I think i am doing this to get to know myself better..what I have learnt so far is that my patience is running out!

Monday, May 16, 2005

Sunday off work

It is 5.30ish in the morning and the insomniac is here updating the blog. I have been awake for like, an hour and a half just thinking about things, which means I just can't go off to sleep. I have lots to do at work today and need to think about writing a list. I am very much a lists person. It's so satisfying when you cross through something you have done, however small. I got out of bed at 4.30am planning to write my blog immediately, but when I saw I had 17 emails and mainly from bloggers, well I had to go and read! Then I get curious about the blogger and ended up looking at their website! So here I am an hour later than planned. Was gonna think about going back to bed but I think I will just ride it out now...am a morning person anyway.

Well what a gorgeous day Sunday turned out to be, even if it was a little nippy. Mark and I thought it would be nice to get out and as I had heard about this sculpture exhibition by Philip Jackson, we thought it would be cool to go and see it. Thought it was at Goodwood, but on the way we saw signs for it at West Dean College/gardens - and there was a herb exhibition going on too!

What a spectacular setting! You can see beautiful green, lush landscape all around while the gardens surrounding the estate house (college) are extremely well maintained. It's the perfect place to spend a lazy afternoon. Within the grounds, carefully placed were these enormous figures made out of fibre glass - presumed eventually to be cast bronze. Some of the pieces had an eerie alien quality to them - almost like star wars - Darth Vader - e! And they were mesmorising. The more I looked at them the more I wanted to know more about the ideas behind them. This doesn't happen alot, believe me. Ironically, for the first time, the catalogue didn't give anything away. I guess that is because Philip is giving a talk on them in June.

On our journey to the park we had to turn around to come back to West Dean and just by chance we came across this tiny village hidden behind the main road. It was so quaint - like going back in time. There was also a nice looking pub and so we made a point of saying that we would go there after the gardens. And we did. And bloody lovely it was too. There was a large garden and so we sat and ate outside.

From there, we headed home the back way...it is so pretty around that area. I got changed into dossy clothes and weeded and tidied the garden a little bit. My old college friend Lee, who I haven't seen in a couple of months, called to say could he pop round for a quick cuppa. He left 3 hours later!!!! Lee, bless him, can talk for England! And it's all about 'me....me...did I say...me!!' One thing that did shock him was my weight loss. His words....'Fuck me - didn't recognise you...you have totally changed'. Lee is never one to mince his words. In fact, part of our relationship is based on our crass observations of each other alot of the time. Our emails can get pretty filthy and lairy to say the least. Still he makes me laugh and is good fun when we are all out in a crowd.

Once he left, I turned to my favourite pass time, messenging on line and blogging simultaneously!! Actually I was setting up a kodak site so I could down load lots of pics for everyone to see. Didn't realise that 37 pictures would take over an hour to down load - or is it up load? - never know the difference. Anyway, because Dom was talking me through it we ended up staying on line and chatting - or not in his case. That man is barking! I can't stop laughing half the time because he is so silly!! He gave me a couple of Billy Conelly rude songs to download and Mark and I were pissing ourselves laughing. One was about Scottish men and sex, the other was about the incident of George Michael sung along to the tune of Alanis Morisette's - shit - have forgotten what it is called....lyrics are...'I'm drunk but I'm sober bla bla bla'.

Anyway, finished the evening watching the out-takes of Ewen McGreggor and Charlie's motorbike journey on DVD. Can't wait to watch the series again. Missed a few of them anyway.

Well it is 6.05am now. Nearly time to go and put the coffee on. Perhaps I should do some ironing. Got nothing to wear for work....Yeah, that's a good idea.

Take care y'all. x x x


Blogger Mischa said...

That song by Alanis Morisette is "Hand in my Pocket" from the Jagged Little Pill CD - great song.

If you're gonna be up at such odd hours, send me an IM sometimes. I'm on AIM and Yahoo all the time.

6:14 am

Blogger Erin said...

I am a list person too! Already crossed 3 things off this morning! Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend.


3:43 pm

Blogger Dom said...

Those sculptures are awesome! And either they're freakishly tall, or you're freakishly short. Which is it?


4:50 pm

Blogger Theresa Stancombe said...

Both Dom!!

8:38 pm


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