first day with my new helmet

Well this ain't the best pic of me but I have just got in after cycling against the wind for the last 20 minutes!!. This is the first day I have cycled in ages. After Jim died in the motorbike accident a few weeks ago, and then speaking to Dom about the importance of helmets, I vowed that I wouldn't ride till I got a decent helmet, which I did at the weekend. Did you know that if you dropped your helmet, whether it be £30 or £3,000 you should bin it cause it is absolutely useless in an accident after that? Scary eh? Anyway.... So I cycled to work this morn against the wind which was fine as I left at 7.50am and the roads were still fairly quiet. This gives me a few minutes once I get to work to sit outside in the sun and read...when it is sunny...still is bloody freezing right now!
Work was ok, a bit quiet...gave me chance to catch up with emails which I really enjoy reading. At home time, I got back on my bike, with the newly acquired helmet and headed home - once again against the wind - why does that always happen? Along Jessie Road, I am cycling along, minding my own business when an Bovarian Motor Wanker decides that I am obviously taking up too much space even though there is no on-coming traffic, and decides to cut me right up, missing me by about 2"!!!! Wanker!!! It scares me that I have to be so conscious at all times cause of pricks like BMW drivers. I am always, always thankful that I have made it home safely each night. I do have visions where I am laying in a hospital after being knocked over by a bus or something. This is actually good for me as it makes me concentrate harder on the roads....although this morning my mind was anywhere but the roads...you know when you just get thinking and go off on one?
Anyway, tonight has been good. Have had time to myself again, achieving very little. High expectations and no finish!!!! Never mind...have enjoyed some pinotage from South Africa which I love -KWV...don't frown people...I know what I like..it doesn't necessarily agree with me the next dayeither, but I will worry about that tomorrow...live for today!!! Lol.
Am off to bed now....it has been quick and easy...sometimes that's just how it should be!!! take care, see y'all.
Very nice! I have to get myself and my baby one of those so we can start riding this summer. I refuse to ride without one!
2:52 am
Erin, I used to be very flippant about wearing a helmet, but there is no way I would risk my life for the sake of a £30 hat. It can be the difference between life and death. You are very sensible especially looking out for your daughter.
5:58 am
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