And this is the food!

Midsomer's Eve traditional food
Ulri lovingly prepared the most fantastic dinner consisting of:
boiled new potatoes cooked with dill and then tossed in butter
herring in this delicious sweet pickle
herring in a mustard pickle
sour cream served with chives and finely chopped red onion
knekebrök bread and cheese - a but like rivetas
It was delicious and very filling. We ate that in the evening and then chilled in front of the T.V. to watch a film.
'The Engiish Patient'. Now I had seen the film before a long time ago and thought it absolute bollocks - so slow. We missed the first 40 mins but thought we might as well give it a go. It turned out to be really good. The ending was shite but all in all I really enjoyed it. I have started to notice that my tastes are changing in many ways. I can eat raw cheese now I am discovering...not sure if that is a good thing! But my perceptions are definately changing, and I like that very much. I think I have been very stagnant for a long time and now I have the attitude of 'give it a go - try something new'. Because of this, in the last week I have tried many new things and had many new exciting experiences which I believe make me a richer person - a more interesting person to be with?
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