Happy Theresa with her smoked prawns

So we got to this tiny island which is full of little workshops for glass, ceramics, textiles, blacksmiths etc. It was a good slow stroll around the island that took about an hour. By then we had worked up an appetite and were ready for the traditional smoked prawns.
The flavour of these prawns are amazing. This portion was just a starter!! The lovely waiter suggested a glass of Lennert before we ordered. This is a pear cognac mixed with sprite and ice. This is definately my new summer evening drink! It is so delicious and refreshing. The waiter then recommend a white wine to go with the prawns. Ulri's mum was insistent and even though I knew I would be sleepy later and especially as we hadn't had any breakfast, I gave in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is a determined lady - just like her daughter!! lol.
On another note. Everyone has been calling me by my real name, Theresa. And with the accent it is said in, I am finally liking my name - alot. I think when I come back to England, I will make a point when being introduced to new people to call myself by my real name...and make sure it is said the correct way. New beginning for me - new name, so to speak.
Not sure about the prawns, but the drinks look good. And you're looking well chilled which is excellent.
9:33 am
What's wrong with the prawns?
5:09 pm
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