Working today at the gallery
Well what a strange day it is turning out to be. I rushed in to work for 8.30am today to get things set up for the Artists Market, signs, posters, flyers etc and to make sure the American couple who have travelled all the way from New Quay would not be stranded. What a great couple....think I am making new friends..have offered them to stay with us if they want to do the Market at the International Festival of the Sea at end of June/July. They have said we could come and stay with them..they have a big house apparently. So we are going to keep in touch!
Because my bosses are doing VAT returns they have been cooped up in the office all day, leaving me to (WO)man the gallery. There isn't alot I can do right now and so I find myself bored and reading people's blogs to pass the time..which is interesting..but I just don't want to be here today.
Had phone call from best friend Johnny telling me he had the biggest hangover and just wanted to go to bed, but that he needed to buy Mark a birthday present. I said if he had a hangover then that meant he'd also had a shag! Johnny seems to only be able to sleep with someone if he is pissed...he has regular girls which he calls 'Fuck Buddies'. He prefers to remain 'solo' as opposed to single. Knowing him as I do, he basically has been hurt so badly by his last girlfriend that he is scared to venture into any form of relationship....but what makes him different to anyone else?
Anyway, John is gonna pick me up from work and we will go shopping for pressies. We will meet Ulri and Mark later in Loch Fyne restaurant where I am anticipating moules mariniere with a nice bottle of rioja before we make way to the comedy night and boogie!
Something enlightening happened in the gallery today, which made me feel special in a wierd way. 3 young foreign guys came in and one miserably asked if I had an envelope. He got my back up immediately just because there were no manners involved. However we got chatting and I found out they were from my family home of Slovenia. I said we were like family and that I would only charge him 5p for an envelope. I took the copper from his wallet for him and he proceeded to carry on searching and I wondered why....then suddenly he handed me a coin from Slovenia as a token of thanks and a way of bonding, I guess. I was really taken aback and couldn't stop smiling at his kind gesture. So I now have this souvenier which reminds me of how kind and sweet the Slovenish people genuinely are.
I did ask him if he liked England. His response was. "No! Have just been to London. There are so many rules. You can't sit here, you can't walk there...and it is really expensive. I want to go home.!"
I know what he means..Slovenia is beautiful and cheap! London is.....London!!
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