What's going on with the British fucking weather?!!!
salad to go with dinner
Today, it has rained and rained and rained....did I say it rained? It fucking never stopped...and it was bloody cold to boot! I have had a battle at work today with my boss which in the end turned into a slagging, swearing rant from the pair of us. He was off slamming every door in the gallery so I knew something was up, and it turned out to be my fault - of course. I know he will use me as his defense next week when he hasn't finished writing the corporate pack I asked for 7 months ago. But I am very open with Leon and told him he better not fucking dare do that! He told me I'd really pissed him off asking him to do something that should have taken a maximum hour but which in the end took him 5 hours! If he'd trusted me in the first place, I wouldn't have even had to ask him to do what was asked. But hey...it was good for us to rant. We do that sometimes, but we know each other well enough that it ain't personal and we kiss and make up within 5 mins. It's a good relationship all in all.
There were some good parts to the day. Talking to friends, Ulri and then Helen popped in to say 'hi'. Since I have got home all I have done is prepare chicken shnitzel. Would love to do it with veal but that is hard to come by. Ulri and my pa are coming round and so I asked her what she'd like...ta da!! Very convenient for Mark too as it is his favourite. I wonder if they have been conspiring!!!?
So because there is so much prep involved, I thought I'd blog it in pictures. Now there is a dressing my austrian nan makes to go with the salad and I thought I'd write it down just in case you may be interested.
1 clove of garlic finely chopped
salt and pepper - maldin rock salt is best
approx 5 table spoons of malt vinegar
2 table spoons of pumpkin oil. This is a rich dark green nutty oil which is quite expensive, but well worth it.
Add about 1 tablespoon of water.
Stir well and leave to marinade for as long as possible
Now I don't measure anything. It is all done to taste, so if you think it is a bit too vinegary add more oil and vice versa.
The shnitzel is served with potato and onion. Potatos are slightly par boiled and then cut up into large bite size pieces. Chopped onion is mixed in with the potato and then added to a roasting tin where it is tossed excessively in olive oil and seasoned. This is cooked in the oven until the onions start to brown and the potato is cooked. 50min on medium heat.
Am feeling hungry now and Ulri has turned up so I'd better go. May show the final result later. See y'all. Tc X x x x
It's hard to get into cooking when you're trying to keep your kitchen bare bones in case you have to up and move in a few months. Maybe I'll try it when I'm settled somewhere. Right now basically everything I eat comes out of some kind of plastic bag or jar. But at least it's mostly salad so I'm not getting fat :)
9:38 pm
You must be skin and bone!!
6:42 am
You know, a girl can never be too thin. But just like you, I lost a ton of weight last year - 65 pounds from March to September 2004. Totally changed my appearance, and has helped to camouflage my transition at work. I used to be 242 pounds; now I'm 180 and still dropping.
7:27 pm
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