Am off to Sweden!

this bruise is 2 weeks old and no sign of healing yet!
Went to look at a flat last night and was incredibly disappointed. However, Dale and I did go into a letting agency and realise that there is plenty to look's just finding the time....and that is running out.
Mark picked us up after and I wanted to find out how he had got on with headman before he stayed over at Johnny's. When he spoke it was like someone else! He was louder, more forthright and he came across alot more confident. He had been taught exercises to bring him up to another level (to mine apparently!). And to start saying 'me' and 'I' instead of 'you'. This is really hard to do at first and I was trying to remind Mark every time he did it with 'you'. We talked more about our crap sex life....why was it so dull when it did occur? We are starting to question it all and maybe that is why I see him as a brother - maybe? He seems to think there will be alot more to talk about on this subject and although it is hard to confront, we have only scratched the surface. He thinks I am being very selfish by leaving when we should be talking and sorting this out. May be he is right. But right now I am going to be selfish...I don't even want to think about our sex life quite frankly!
Last night I spent the evening packing. My stuff took 10 minutes but I am having to pack alot of Ulri's stuff...and it's knowing what to pack. Am finishing off this morning in between pampering myself ready for holidays. Am very excited and nervous. It's a whole new adventure for me. Mark did tell me to have a fantastic holiday. He has been good about all this really. We hugged and gave each other a peck on the cheek and he left. Won't see him now until a week Sunday, when in all his anger, he still has offered to pick me up from the station. It's just not in him to be horrible.
Better finish getting dressed now...have been letting tan dry so I thought I'd update. Will still write in Sweden hopefully, if Ulri lets me near her computer!!
Take care y'all x x x x
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