Half of Saturday of the International Festival of the Sea
It is lunch time and for some reason it is fairly quiet. So I have a chance to write about my day so far. I already have some excellent photos. Some Russian Navy men came in and they wanted a picture with me too. As a token gesture they have given me a replica uniform badge. Very sweet.
Next thing I know, two uniformed guys, one in the Navy and the other in the RAF come in wanting to use our loo. I tell them they can't because of insurance and liability, but ask if I can have a picture of them. They ask if it's because of the Nelson thing and I just look at them blankly. We compromise. I let them use the loo if I can have the picture. I take them down to the gallery area and Leon is there which is worrying. How do I justify this. He recognises them immediately as they have been on world T.V all week! Well I don't watch T.V. So it is all lost on me. Turns out they are 2 of the 3 brothers who are the sixth great grandchildren of Nelson and their surnames are actually 'Nelson'. So of course I got a couple of great photos with them. Leon makes the sarcy remark that they must be the new flavour of the day and that it was commandos yesterday. Craig replied 'I hope so!!!' Lol. He does look a bit like Nelson - the nose anyway!
I went out with Julian for a wonder in the late morn as more volunteers turned up. We went on the JST Nelson boat where Julian had done the charity mast climb yesterday. Last year he sailed on this boat in the Canary Islands. It's a great experience by all accounts and I wouldn't mind looking into it! There is also another boat called Tanacious where you can sail in the Carribean. The actual cost of sailing is low but you have to find your own way to these locations. Am very tempted!! Have picked up details anyway...so we shall see.
When I got back to the gallery, Elly said she had some interesting news for me. Oh yeah I thought?! Turns out her malefriend's brother, 35, came in yesterday and has told her he likes me and would like to take me out for a drink. All very flattering I am sure. She says he is good looking and well built and also looks after the mentally handicapped. She says he is a really, lovely guy! I am sure he is! Trouble is, I am just seperating from a really, lovely guy. It's not what I want.
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