Saturday night at sister's and kids

After work on Saturday I headed for Hayling to stay at my sister's. She was cooking dinner and we were to have wine...lots of it in her case!! The kids and I played with the Itoy for a while and then naturally, we danced. I was carrying Anna in my arms while dancing and spinning her around. By the time we ate, 10.30pm, my arms were physically dead and I couldn't raise my fork to my mouth. Shut up sis!!! Can hear you giving me some smart alec remark already!!
Anyway, we all had a great time and now I am at work. Just had a call from my lovely cousin Sid. He and Jacqui are picking me up at 7 and taking me to Gunwharf for a couple of drinks and a bite to eat. This maybe the last time I see them for awhile and because we are so close it's important to do this. Sid is just one week apart in age from me so we grew up together like brother and sister. He is the only cousin I have anything to do with really...and that isn't enough either!
I hope everyone is having a great weekend off while I am working. Just two more weeks to go before I can start having EVERY WEEKEND off! I so can't wait to be one of the normal working population! I say the word 'normal' in the loosest of terms mind you!!! Lol
Take care y'all
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