PLEASE take a look
I would like anyone who comes across this to take a look at the following blog. It is my house mate's. Pay particular attention to his gallery. Dale is a graphic designer and computer nerd. (He has no problem with me saying this - quite proud of it actually). Each month has a set of photos and some of them are just fantastic - all good - but some brilliant. Dale is also a fantastic creative writer as you will also see. Take time to look. It is worth it....I promise. (His 101 things are hilarious and sad too).
Dale, don't give me a hard time for doing this. You deserve recognition!
Take care y'all
Heh, I'd agree with #9 on his list :)
You're a hat stand? Still can't figure that one out...
Very nice portfolio, I think his sense of lines and space are very good. I think he communicates well through his designs. Maybe just a tad more reserved than some of our American designers - not that that's necessarily a bad thing ;)
2:52 pm
I second this.
3:07 pm
Aparrently hat stand means slightly nutty. To which I replied to Dale 'Do I taste nutty then?'. More like malt loaf he replied! lol
Dale has a very set style and likes to use flat opaque colours which work very well with his use of imagery and text when it comes to his graphics.
Regarding his photography, he picks up on the simplist things surrounding us and turns them into wonderful patterns of space and texture, most people would never see. I am very grateful and honoured to share a house with such a creative guy. (He is gonna kill me for saying this!!!). lol
3:44 pm
im sitting in terri's bedroom, installing some software... grinning my head off albeit in a good way, I still don't know what to say! Thanks is too subtle, "fuckin' nice one, that lass" is a bit too northern, so something else will have to suffice :)
'watch this space'
4:26 pm
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