Over the weekend, I went to Somerset and stayed with some wonderful people. The garden was absoluteley stunning coupled with magnificant views and clean air - I was in my element. This flower was on a rockery. The leaves are a deep mauve against this brilliant pink. I would love to have some. Can anyone help identify it for me?
It's a type of sedum, apparently. Possibly sedum spurium.
9:12 pm
Wow Rick, i am impressed. I love flowers. How do you know about them?
7:11 am
I didn't, to be honest, i asked my housemate. She didn't have a clue, but her mother happened to be round and she works with plants doing something-or-other, so i typed what she said. :)
9:17 am
Cheers Rick, and thank your Mum. Keep up the blog.
6:53 am
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