Apologies - wish I'd never started the previous post!
In the last few posts, I have discovered that being honest and open, yet still trying to be discreet in some areas, is proving to be extremely damaging to people reading it! I never thought I would be writing my personal diary and causing so much upset to people. But people have got to understand that I write this for me....and as I write, I don't necessarily think how this is going to effect readers. But in a way, nor should I! What I write flows from my fingers. I am doing this for me. It is my journey, discovering me. What I say and how I say it, and what I show and how I show it is part of who I am. I would be lying to myself if I made too many conscious decisions about what I can and can't put in, just because it may upset certain people. If they choose to read it then that is up to them. I was told from the beginning that I should be truely honest even if it may cause hurt(to Mark). Infact I was brutally honest, when I read back. Those close to me at the time must have hated what I had written, but they understood why. It was actually my way of communicating to Mark at difficult times when I didn't feel I could say things to him....and he would respond as well via the comments. If he still reads this, and I have been told he does, then that is his choice. I cannot write a diary about my emotions if I cannot express how I feel or what is happening in my life right now. I feel I am being discreet in some areas anyway. So I am sorry if I have upset anyone. But I have to stick to my belief in why I am doing this. And that is for ME.....MY THERAPY.
Take care y'all
If people are upset by what they read here, they should stop reading it, unless they just like being upset. If writing in a blog helps you, that should be reason enough to do it. Everyone else just needs to get a life and not worry so much about yours. That's my opinion and I don't care if anyone is offended by it ;)
9:21 pm
You go girl!! Thank you for your support. You know how to make me feel good when I nost need it! Cheers Michelle x x x
9:27 pm
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