Great Saturday night

Was meant to pop round to my parents after work for fish and chips but having been stuck in traffic for over an hour and not really getting anywhere, that event was dropped! Instead, came home and did a 'snack' shop at Waitrose. Mezes, chorizo, crisps, cheese on toast...all ghott queet ('good shit' in Swedish). Finished watching American Beauty, one of my favourite films. Had started to watch it late the night before after a wonderful stroll down on the beach. But sleep always seems to catch up with me.
Anyway, after a few gin and cokes with lime (my new drink!!), Helen and Eddie came round and we all headed for Gunwharf where we went bowling. I was playing the best I have ever played. I was on a roll and just one or two points behind the leader at the end!! Top form! After that we had a boogie...or rather I did!! Helen joined me now and again, but I was left to it!! Just me and the wonderfully naff DJ, who apparently recognised me from last time which was three months ago. He said I had a memorable face...he even remembered the song I requested last time!!
At 1am we walked home and I crashed. Work the next day is a real pain, but I feel fine (ish). Thank god I was drinking lots of water as well. It was good going out on a Saturday night though, with great company.
Take care y'all
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