view from my bedroom
It's the third Thursday night I have missed jive dancing now. I'm worried I'm not going to remember how to do it or the pleasure I got from doing it! So instead, after cooking dinner for Dale and I, I began to make the base for a lemon and lime cheesecake. This is the point when Dale suggests we walk down to the seafront and chill for a bit. You know, I live 5 minutes away from the seafront now and what with one thing or another, I never make the effort to get there. So when he asked if I'd like to join him, I thought, why not. We took a couple of glasses and a can of wife-beating Stella, together with a spliff for Dale, and headed for the front. We sat on the top by the castle overlooking the sea. The sky was fantastic. The cloud formations and lighting made for a beautiful evening. The photo is taken from my bedroom when we got back. There can be great sunsets in Portsmouth. I just don't get to see them much, but will make more of an effort now....seeing as the Summer will be gone soon.
After making the cheesecake I went to my room to chat on line. It gets very warm in my room and so I have the windows open fully. Having a chinese takeaway nearby sometimes makes the smell a little unbearable but tonight's smell was of dope. Now Dale knows not to smoke in the house so when I smelt it I stuck my head out of the window and shouted 'Oiy, Dale, are you smoking a spliff?' He stuck his head out the window with a face of shock, at the same time as our nieghbour shouted that it was him!! Well how embarrasing!! Next thing Dale is in my room, saying he nearly had a heart attack cause he thought I was bloody psychic, as he was just about to skin up!!!! We both were in stitches!! Not sure if you had to be there...but we found it hilarious!!
Haven't been sleeping very well of late again. Back to my old tricks. I think it is because I am thinking about the meeting I am going to have with Mark soon about dividing things etc and where we go from here. I was researching divorce on line at work yesterday, and I still can't believe I am in this situation. It feels like it is some one else. I have always found it wierd to be called 'MRS' anyway as I have never seen myself as old enough - or mature enough Lol! It's wierd!

Work is quiet today so I am playing around on the net. Have come across a great website for both men and women although it is targeted at men. www.askmen.com. We all could learn alot from this useful sight I think! Anyway, check it out if you have a few hours, or atleast bookmark some of the tips ;) Scroll down the home page to the headings for 'love' and 'sexuality'. There are very useful articles written by a woman in response to men's questions on the female! WARNING. You could be in for the time of your life!! lol.
Take care y'all
Could you find me the AskWomen.com site? Cause that would be more useful to me right now.... ;)
5:33 pm
LOL!!! This is so cool! I think with both your unique skills and my need to learn/practise, we could make a terrific website for women!! How about it girls? May be my blog could become the new 'tips for women' site. The more I think about this the more I like it. We could just get women sending in their favourite stuff etc that could benefit all woman-kind! I love it. Let's do it!!
8:33 am
YOUR need to learn and practice?! I've only been a girl for less than a year. If anyone needs to learn and practice the art of being female, it's me! :P
6:22 pm
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