My bedroom - for all you ex pats who will never see it!

So this is my little pad. I love it! I feel like it is MY room. Be it a bomb site. It is very girlie, and I have never had that before. No-one tells me where to put anything and I don't have to worry about other people's stuff. It is my space and I can do what I like in it ;) I have even treated myself to a sheepskin rug which feels wonderful on my feet. I know it's cheesy! lol. I don't have a tv but I find myself taking quality time out, listening to music and reading.
I have lost interest in tv really. I'm sure it will be different come the winter. The cottage will be freezing. Our neighbour has forewarned us of that. I guess Dale and I will end up having to share the same bed just to keep warm! Lol
This week has been a very tough week for me in the friends department. I am coming to realise that the friends I thought I had are no longer friends. I am sick of being the one who makes all the effort of contacting and then to have it thrown back in my face. Some even seem to be, how should I put this, discreet with information, and for reasons I don't understand. My real friends are abroad, away, out of contact, suffering with their own problems. They are the ones I need. They need me too, especially Amy. She is suffering from PND seven months after the birth of Dylan. She hasn't contacted me because she didn't wish to subject negativity on me knowing my situation. I have been so wrapped up in my own bloody problems I forgot that she may need comforting too. She feels alone and needs her friends and family right now. If I could fly over to Sydney right now I would. I'd give her the biggest hug. We would cry our hearts out together and we would chat for hours because we understand each other. Then we would get drunk and dance our souls out in the lounge, cause we are too old for night clubs!! lol.
I hope you are okay Amy. I am here for you. Call me anytime. I will listen.
Am going round to my South African friend, Helen's for tea. She has invited Dali too so I don't have to worry about his tea! Eddie, her husband has gone away and it is her birthday tomorrow but she will be in London, so we need to celebrate tonight! Just for an hour, mind!
Have got to put Dali's portfolio together with him tonight. If we are to get out of Portsmouth, he needs to start applying for jobs in London and around.....think we are heading that one really to keep me here and those that are, want to leave anyway! (Helen and Rose).
God, never planned this to be so long!
Take care y'all.
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7:44 pm
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7:53 pm
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9:18 pm
very cute and cozy lil place!!
11:36 pm
I should take pictures of my apartment before I leave. Thanks for the idea! :)
3:33 am
I will put the photos back up again not want you thinking that Reg is staying there!!
10:55 am
Really felt for you when i started reading your latest addition to your blog; you sound very abandoned by some of your friends and also obviously worried about Amy... however i have to say, sensitive as i am... it really hit me when you said that there was no one to keep you here except Rose and Helen..!!!? I really thought that we had become close and had a good relationship going really sounded that apart from those two friends, you wouldn't really be bothered about leaving anyone else behind...???
11:54 am
Oh Sis. You go without saying!!! I was talking about my friends only. Family is a seperate thing altogether. Don't you dare feel that I don't care about you. You know that's bullshit. That post was about friends ONLY. I am not leaving you behind either! I don't know where I will be for sure, but I can guarentee you this, I will see more of you when I leave than I do now. I will have weekends free and so can spend whole weekends with you.
Please don't feel are not! I love you Sis x x x
12:27 pm
i am crying now.... because i should have known better than to feel like that.... it's just i feel i have missed out on so much time with you.... and i don't ever want that to be the situation again.... i love you too sis, and i'm so sorry that i even thought that that was the case.... forgive me....? xxxx
12:31 pm
You have nothing to forgive. This should be a private conversation sis. I love you and stop bloody crying!!
12:34 pm
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