Line of the year!!
Naming no names, a girlfriend whispered in my ear and said, and this is no lie, but utterly funny:
'I am so wet I could fill a swimming pool!' ( I might just add that it wasn't water she was referring to, nor me btw!).
Could you get a better one liner. I nearly wet myself!!!
Don't you just love it when people talk dirty to you.
6:14 pm
I know who it was, teehee!!
6:37 pm
lmao. thats a good one. ill have to remember that one. in case i ever get laid
thanks for the visit. ill be back again
6:48 pm
Dale, you keep your gob shut now!!! I love talking dirty. When you are not face to face with someone it is easier to say stuff and get away with it...and have fun!
Jerzee, thank you for coming by. I hope we can stay in touch now. I so love the blogging thing. When I feel at my lowest, all of a sudden there are people there, and that is so cool.
Thank you fellow bloggers
7:32 pm
Well, that is one line I don't think I'll ever have the guts to use!
6:30 am
Yeah Michelle, but lets hope you can do it!!! ;) Lol! Keep practising is what I say!!
7:12 am
The comment may have the ability to stop the world Paul, but it shouldn't be said by my girlfriend to me!! lol.
Do you not do house work. I don't believe you don't. You are extremely funny Paul with a wonderful sarcastic twist. I love sarcasm, but they do say it is the lowest form of humour! I think the people who say that are jealous cause they can't do it! lol
4:52 pm
I believe that Wilde was being sarcastic when he said that sarcasm was the lowest form of wit.
7:54 pm
I would love to have you at my party Paul. We would have such fun! With your sarcasm and mine, oh and did I say my gullableness (is that a word?), I think we would have a ball! I could say that 'line' to you if you liked, sarcastically, naturally!! lol ;)
Rick, wouldn't that be ironic if that is the case. Please tell us a little about yourself.
8:32 am
The "high"lights would be:
I'm 26, i'm in the UK, i work in IT and study IT part-time which really makes for scintillating conversation...
I read, i cycle, i eat chocolate covered raisins, and apparently i post comments on the blogs of people i don't know. :)
11:19 am
Rick, you sound like you could be my house mate and colleague, Dale. Check out his blog. Click on dale said.
Keep on coming. Like your comments. But as an IT guy it's a shame you won't set a blog up! Could do it about books even, combined with chocolate!! lol
11:27 am
Hehe, good idea - unfortunately, i'm decidedly average with computers, read no books of note and get sick of chocolate. :)
But anyway, this is your comments box not a discussion forum on me, so, yeah.. keep up the good blog! I enjoy the read.
12:26 pm
Dear Terri
That Paul is funny!! Having a glass of wine. Funny I thought turning 33 would make me depressed instead I feel happy. Looking forward to Thursday, London and my favourite place, Russell Sqre. Im not sure how the comment thing works. We should have a picnic before winter. on the beach sounds fun! SOAS in the Autumn and Indian Art, a whole new world, yipeee, but scary.
6:31 pm
Guess I would have to make do with your friend then Paul, but for the record I am very picky about who would replace you, especially as what you said was so nice, I probably would you know what! ;)Lol.
I have just had the original girl who made the one liner text me! She has read your comments and is in absolute stitches. I quote:
Terri I have just read your blog and this Paul guy is a scream....His
last message almost had me fall off my chair with laughter!!!
As for the Saltans of Swing, Brothers in Arms album is one of my all time favourites. We are gonna have to catch up properly sometime,I think with the guidance of our partners!!
You are a hoot Paul. I love this!! lol
8:53 pm
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