The Importance of communication
If there is one thing that I have learnt that I can take away from my marriage with Mark, it's the importance of communication. I am only realising this since we have split up. When Dom and I got together, I knew this was the key to a successful, honest and trusting relationship. I said from the start, I need to know how you are feeling, good or bad, how ever upsetting hearing it would make me....and of course, vice versa.
Believe me, this ain't an easy thing to do. But if you can enforce it from the start it can only make your relationship stronger. After all, if this is the person you want to spend the rest of your life with and bare children with, then really, they are not just your lover and companion, they are your best friend. And if you can't share everything with your best friend, then what is the point of the relationship?
The worst thing we could do is bottle things up, get angry with the other person and cause tension without the other person having a clue that there is something wrong. So I say 'TALK'!! Get it out, sooner than later, before little things escalate to bigger things.
My biggest advice would be to sort things out before you go to sleep. Never go to bed on an arguement. Neither of you will sleep and that will only make things worse. And whoever believes they are right, don't be bloody stubborn! Pride is a shit thing. No one gains. Go to the other person. Be patient and understanding and don't be offended by what you hear. It's better you get to hear it than them telling another friend. You are the best friend remember? And the best thing makes you both stronger, and the making up is the best bit! And if it doesn't make things stronger, then you have to ask yourself , is this really the right person to be with.
I go now, organise my wonderful wedding!
I think it's really good that we can learn from our past mistakes so as not to repeat them. I think in general people get married too young, before they really know what they want in a partner. If it weren't for reproductive purposes, I should think it would make more sense to wait until later in life to get married.
Of course, hindsight is always 20/20...
6:28 pm
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