A weekend with my sister and her family.....

I have seen how her family, the Ricos, are such a strong unit. Sure they have their ups and downs and the kids aren't always perfect, but on the whole they are a good family and one I want to look up to when I have mine.....so much so that I have asked Helen and Steve to be unofficial God Parents. They have been together for over 20 years which must say something about their relationship....and they still look very happy together.

The Ricos came up for the weekend to stay with us and it was great and hectic having them! No one got any sleep but the day was wonderfully spent eating out and visiting Canazaro Park, a secret gem near Wimbledon Common.
We had a BBQ in the evening with extra friends over. I must say, it was very tiring - entertaining - but it was well worth it. This was the first time the family had been up to see me in my new home and I just hope it won't be the last time for a while. I am due to have Megan in 6 weeks time and it scares the hell out of me. Not having any family around is going to be hard......and it frightens me that I have no one to turn to. I feel time is running out for Dom and I too - quality time that is. And I am very aware that things will never be the same again. In a way that's okay as Megan will fill us with new joys. But I am also sad that our time has been short and sometimes wasted when all I want to do is spend as much time as possible with my husband.

hey angel.... you sure know how to make a girl cry....!!! I am so touched by what you wrote; To have such a special bond with you is worth so much.... something that i really never would have believed a year or so ago... you are an amazing girl honey, and i have nothing but praise and admiration for all you have done and achieved... You deserve all the happiness in the world, and with a husband that loves and supports you so very much you will also become a very strong bonded-family!!
Life is all about making the best out of things, accepting others for the their strengths, and faults.. and also forgiveness. We don't always do the right thing all the time, but if we can learn from experiences it can only make us better and stronger people. "life is a learning curve" and it can only be enriched by the more we learn and the more we are willing to learn.
Your lives will never be the same again when Megan arrives, but it will only get better.... it might be in a different way and not always appreciated, but she will be a gift like no other to you; a treasure that will only strengthen your relationship with Dom.
There is nothing more wonderful to see than a Daddy with his daughter; the fact that you have made her together, out of your love for eachother - there is something very wonderful in that!!
I will ALWAYS be here for you Sis, you must know that... even if you don't want me to be...lol xxxx
Thanks again, for a lovely weekend...you both were so kind xxxxx
9:39 am
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