I think i am doing this to get to know myself better..what I have learnt so far is that my patience is running out!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Getting order in our lives

Since the beginning of the week I have started new classes with Meg so that she can interact with other children from a young age and not get bored. I have joined a mother and toddler group on Mondays and a music and singing group on Tuesdays. By now, I am sung and cooed out so come Wednesday it is ME time and I have my postnatal swimming class with all my girlfriends. And it is a right laugh. I begin to feel an individual human being again rather than just a mother. Only she goes and spoils it this week by screaming her head off!! To be fair she has just had her last lot of jabs. She eventually fell asleep and was fine after that. I finally feel I am starting to find my feet. I am meeting a good bunch of girls now and even had a pampering afternoon with them all, which is something we are going to do regularly. I am glad I have found new friends. It takes time but I perservere. As the nights draw in I look forward to hubbie coming home, but it is nice that my days are more filled now.


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