Please welcome the latest Stancombe, Megan Grace
A week after being taken into hospital I was there again only this time I was having Megan 3 days early. My reflexologist had played a part I believe as she used a technique that would bring on the labour. It wasn't a straight forward labour. My waters broke and there was meconium in there - baby had got stressed and pooed herself in me! I was induced and wasn't allowed to eat incase they had to do emergency surgery. I was bed ridden for the whole 16 hours. The aneasthetist took 7 attempts to put the epidural needle in me. The baby's heart rate dropped suddenly and I had to have a ventouse delivery. But I would do it all over again, without hesitation. She is beautiful, placid and easy to look after. She and I have taken to breast feeding well. She hardly cries accept when she needs something and I know to deal with that straight away.
So here are a few gorgeous photos of the proud family of Stancombes and co.

So there you go - One happy new family. We are all doing really well. And thank you Jessica for keeping in was you who has made me write this sooner than later!
Take care y'all.
Take care y'all.
Congratulations to a beautiful baby! All the best for the future. Ulrika xx
8:24 am
Thank you. That really means alot.
Theresa x x x
8:40 am
wow! finally here :)
Congrats to teh pair of you
1:44 am
Congrats and best wishes to all of you! What a beautiful little girl you have! *coos*
4:48 am
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