.......and then I got married
It's been a while since my last posting and looking back they seemed a bit doom and gloom. Yes I have had yet another urinary infection but my Consultant has decided to keep me on a low course of antibiotics til the end of my pregnancy now and then after Megan is born, I will have to see a Kidney Specialist. I am not worried really. It is good that I am being taken care of.
Much has happened recently and all for the better. I did my second photo shoot for 'Pregnancy and Birth' Magazine which was a great laugh, but extremely tiring. I have started antenatal swimming classes getting to meet new friends. Debbie even comes from Portchester, just down the road from where I used to live and now she lives just down the road from me now!
I have been spending every dry moment in the garden transforming it into what we hope to be a wonderful haven for when Megan arrives. We had a massive problem with our neighbour's canadian maple tree which was over 40ft high and right next to the house. But with a little negotiation and half the payment towards it, the tree has come down and some of the logs have been put to good effect in the garden. It is the best £2oo we could have ever spent. There is so much light now and there shouldn't be any problems when we come to sell the house in a couple of years time.

First the decking got built........................................Then the landscaping started.....

Megan is a fiesty little bugger. She doesn't just kick now and again, they come in rounds like a boxing match and boy do you know when she is doing it! But she is growing nicely and seems to be fine.
And now for my big news.....I have been saving this because it is so special.....For the last 3 months I have been planning my marriage to Dom. Originally this unity was about making sure that Megan had the same surname as both of us, but we soon realised that whether she was around or not, the timing was right, even though it has been such a short time. When you know, you know and no one can take that feeling away from you.
So last Friday, March 24th 2006 at 11.30 I walked down the aisle of Glastonbury Town Hall and took vows to spend the rest of my life with Dom. Every word was meant and every word was said looking at him directly in his eyes. It was a beautiful ceremony. There were 33 friends and family. It was just a shame that some couldn't make it but I know they were with us in spirit.

After the ceremony we went to a beautiful restaurant where Dom and I have been several times. It is a little way into the countryside and was the perfect setting for the wedding meal. The display, the food, the wine and the service were perfect. We couldn't have asked for more. It was all very intimate and relaxed and after the main course the sun came out again and we were able to take more photos in the grounds outside.
We felt it was the small personal details that would be remembered and judging by the feed back they were. The only moments when I really thought I would lose it was when Dom did a speech proudly announcing me as his wife.....and then his father read an email from Mima, Dom's sister, who sadly couldn't be with us as she has just moved to Brisbane. Her words were beautiful.