It's been a while
Well it's been a while and looking back, lots has happened. Over Christmas my dear Nan was taken into hospital with a twisted gut and she may not be able to be operated on. She has lost two stones because she couldn't keep food down. Hopefully the medication is sorting this out but we are not sure how long she can remain on them it for.
Meg is coming on strong. She has two teeth now, is eating very well and still managing to stuff her belly with breast milk! On the whole she is a little angel...and extremely bright. There is an impish, daring look in her eyes that sometimes says, 'don't mess with me!'
Her Auntie Mima met her for the first time at Christmas which was great. Meg took to her so easily. Luckily for us we are going to Australia mid Feb and will be seeing her in Brisbane where she now lives. As well as enjoying some time with my best friend Amy and staying in a villa in Noosa. So much to look forward to!
I am also in the process of buying a house to let. It has taken me a long while to get the nerve to do it but it is all going through at the moment. I am a little stressed about it but I need some sort of investment, now that I am not working. I am going to be a landlady and project manager... as well as looking after the little one.
I am settling in very well to my new life. I have made some very good friends. But I have learned from past experience not to go out of my way anymore to be 'the best friend'. I have been dumped too many times now by people who I thought were good friends but it has turned out that they have just used me as an escape goat for their long term problems and now no longer want anything to do with me. I have very good friends who have been with me through thick and thin and have not used me for their own means. These are the friends I treasure... and I see a lot more of them now.
Yesterday it snowed!