What a good Council we have

Well it came last week. The pack is brilliant and so well presented. Whoever the graphic designer was should get a pat on the back. The bus routes come as little books that open out to show bus routes on one side and a map on the other. Better than pocket size! Also in the pack there were walks listed in our local area. Dom and I thought we had sussed out all the great parks in the area...and there really are excellent parks here, but on Saturday we discovered Oaks Park, only 10 minutes away. You really do feel like you are in deep countryside. The park was lovely. Meg could run around to her heart's content. At the end, there was a lovely little cafe where we all had an italian ice-cream. It was such a lovely family day out.

Well it's Monday morning and I am downstairs making Meg's breakfast. ....while Dom is arranging all my knickers on Meg to model! What a funny sight for a Monday morning, don't you think?