Night in Arundel

How to put a rabbit in a trance!!!

It was Jude's last day at Artists Harbour yesterday, and no one bothered to get her a card yet alone a pressie! So I let them sign mine! We left work and caught the train to Ford where Jude collected her car and we went home. Her house is lovely and she backs on to a field with cows and a mill! So countryish!
We had a glass of wine while doing the tour and then headed for the Bistro where we had a great meal with a good bottle of red wine. On the way Jude met loads of people and it is very apparent that every body knows everybody and that may mean your business too. Lol! We then went up the hill to the wine bar where we each had a large red wine. It was getting late and I knew I had to be up early to catch the train back into Portsmouth before the pandomania of IFoS kicked in. But I was feeling tipsy and the conversation was really good. In the end, we got kicked out and so went back to Judes, where she proceeded to open another bottle!! It was 1am when we finally went to bed!! Still, it isn't a regular thing and it was nice to be with someone else for a change.
At 6am the next morning, I woke up and showered. I was staying in her 18 year old daughter's bedroom. It was covered in fantastic photos and posters, mainly of Audrey gorgeous Hepburn and the sexy Marilyn Monroe.
Jude dropped me off at the station and saw to it that I got on my train (sweet). I met a very nice Italian guy near to the end of my journey. It is so good to be able to meet people and talk to them without feeling anything has to come of it. I just genuinely like talking to people.
The day was very very busy at the Gallery. I finished at 7pm after only a 15min break throughout the entire day. Am so tired. Caught the bus home, chucked some junk food in the oven and ran a bath. Here i am now, 9.30pm and ready for bed!
Good night y'all. Sweet dreams