While in Barcelona, I decided that it was important for me to go back down to Pompey for a few days to catch up with friends and family - and to get out of the house - a change of scenery etc....
So on Wednesday I got on the train and headed down South. I met Rose and Ros for lunch which was most pleasant - we ate in the Old Royal Theatre so it was a beautiful backdrop to a good lunch. Then I met up with surrogate mum Maggie, in the same place and whiled away the afternoon catching up. I have missed these guys!
In the evening I went to my parents having had to cancel poetry night with Elly as I had been told that roast beef was on the cards and I couldn't miss my ma's dinner for the world. I spent the next 3 hours installing software on their computer (which was my sister's) so that my dad could start using it to do his blog. My father is a great one for moaning about EVERYTHING, but the good thing is, he writes it in such a witty way. I am going to sort out broad band for him and then you all can read his blog.....watch this space!
I never slept at all that night. The bed was so soft, there were FOUR pillows and the window was open (broken). The rain came down like bombs. It was so noisey. Living above a chip shop also tends to have this horrible smell that sits on the back of your throat and tends to make me feel really sick. I guess all those reasons combined make for crap night's sleep. Just when I thought I was finally dozing off, Alf knocks on the door saying 'Coffee!!'. Bloody hell, what happened to the time!!
Elly cancelled lunch so I hung around with parents till 12, just catching up. Then I headed into Southsea and hung around the castle for an hour until Elly was available for coffee. Round her house, we had a good moan about men - particularly her wanker of a husband (eventually to be ex) and then she dropped me off to see Helen, my wonderful south african friend. After a quick catch up, I hopped on the train and headed for Havant where my sister picked me up.
That evening was fab. I drank Foustino 5, ate a fantastic lamb curry she made, bathed the kids, chatted on line briefly and then settled down to watch the DVD of Catherine Tate....what a laugh. We had such fun. My sister was absolutely hammered!! Very funny to watch!!
Once again didn't sleep - what with being shipped from one bed to the next due to nieces falling out of beds!! lol. But it was a good couple of days. The next morning at 8.15 I went and visited my good old nan, soon to be 90. She was in very good spirits. From hers I walked to my cousin's house to visit her and her new born baby, Hannah. Katie nearly died and is not allowed to do ANYTHING for 2 weeks incase she harmorrhages. I haven't seen her in years so it was good to make the effort. And what a cute baby!! Broodiness is on the horizon. lol!
Went back to my sister's for more curry and after lunch headed back to London. Was good to be home.