afternoon tea and scones. So british
Ok, this is not the 16ft cruiser sailing around the IOW with twosexy guys as promised! This is the 'shit, the engine room has flooded' - so now there is a change of plans, and it's just me, Jacqui and cousin, Sid. So we head for the beach. Sid is in the back of his work van nearly passing out with the heat while Jacqui and I have a good catch up on 'MEN' - there Paul, I said the proper 'M' word!!
Traffic got really bad and pretty much stopped nearer the beach so I swapped places in the van - oh and stupidly offered to go back home in the back too!! We had a lovely chilled day. The beach was heaving. I think it was the last day of the Summer hols and everyone was making the most of it. Besides, it was going to be the hottest day ever recorded this year, but as you can see from the pictures below, it wasn't that hot really. We had brought a lovely picnic of healthy rabbit food combined with lovely junk food full of 'e's!! Tea and scones were definately the order of the day - how british are we?
Why did Sid and Jacqui invite me out? Cause they had just heard that Mark and I had split. I have tried to keep it fairly discreet, but these two lovelies have taken me under their wings and I thank them for that. They are even meeting up with me for a good bye drink on Friday night. More about that in another post I think.
They dropped me off home and I met up with Dale, stuffing his face with curry. He told me how he had handed in his notice today and how it all went. He has the greatest opportunities ahead of him now, and has been extremely lucky with breaks and people supporting him. But I know he is very grateful - just can't express it too well some times - except for this enourmous cheesy grin he has!
After that I went on line to chat for a bit, and my Ma phones. We are on the phone for an hour or more and it ain't really me doing the talking. She and Pa have just come back from Sweden staying with Ulri. She reckons talking to Ulri and being there, has changed her whole perception on life. We shall see. Didn't stop her from judging me though and then when I defended myself, because this was the first opportunity I could, she makes out she's the innocent one! GRRR.
Can anyone tell me how a nice normal conversation can just change within seconds and you realise - oh shit - this is going to get ugly and you don't even know how or why the situation arose in the first place? You start questioning things and little doubts come into your mind and you think 'Shit - What am I doing?' I am on a whole new journey - an exciting one but also an unknown one. I feel it is the right thing to do and I believe that it could be the best thing I have ever done. I'm sorry if this all sounds gobbledy gook to some, i just have to be discreet!' Anyway, as the saying goes....'there ain't 'nowt so queer as folk'....especially my Ma!! LOL
I go now, me bath!
take care y'all